Saturday, March 17, 2012

Why did Samsung name its Android device portfolio/series as "Galaxy"?

Before proceeding to explore that question, lets know a little more about name and logo of this South Korean company.
Samsung in Korean language means "TriStar". The three stars signify "Big", "Numerous" & "Powerful". The background of the logo is blue in reference to the sky which signifies vastness. The company name is within an ellipse, with the ellipse representing the milky way (our Galaxy). So in summary, the word Samsung within the ellipse represents 3 stars within the milky way galaxy. On careful observation, you can notice the top of S and bottom of G are open, illustrating the open mindedness of the company and its interaction with the world.
The above mentioned aspects are inherent into the Company vision and its policies which are very well reflected in its product offerings. Similar to the vastness of the sky, the company's product & service portfolio is vast and includes not only electronics & computing but also several services including automobiles & constructions (World's tallest 3 buildings i.e Burj Khalifa, Taipei 101 & Petronas towers were built by Samsung).
Back in 2009 when Samsung seriously decided to enter the Android smartphone segment, they wanted to ensure that the company's core values are wholly imbibed into their offerings. As the three stars signified, they wanted to be a "Big" player in this segment, launch "Numeorous" products in the smartphone series (On an average, there has been a new launch by Samsung in Android segment atleast once every quarter), and "Powerful" by closely collaborating with Android provider, Google. Finally, since the Android devices ranged from smartphones to media players to tablets, Samsung decided to name the series as "Galaxy" to represent the vastness of its portfolio and in alignment with its corporate vision (The company logo's ellipse represents galaxy).

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